Bye bye, High School

Bonjour, Coffee Beans! The day finally came... The end of my high school experience. I've learned so much about myself, and something that has really helped me find myself was this blog. This blog helped me find what I am really passionate about, coffee and talking. At first, I did not know what I was going to talk about in the blog, then I started brainstorming and I thought, "Wait, what if I combine both things I love, coffee and trying new things". After posting several entries, I realized that this blog has helped me try new things, things that I've wanted to do since forever. 

The Best Graduation Songs of All Time

I've enjoyed this so much, but do not worry... I did finish high school but I am not finished with this blog. Every day I am more inspired to share my experiences and opinions to help y’all experience new things for yourself.

Cheers to new beginnings, but most importantly...

- Au revoir, High  School.


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